Wilsonville Public Library Foundation

Support us when you shop on Amazon

The Wilsonville Public Library Foundation is now registered with Amazon. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible smile.amazon.com purchases to the charities selected by customers. Use OUR UNIQUE CHARITY LINK: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/93-1259098 When customers sign up for AmazonSmile, they’re asked to select one of over a million charities to support. When you click on our unique link, you skip this charity selection process. Instead, you’re taken to smile.amazon.com and are automatically asked if you want to support…

Where does the money go?

The Wilsonville Public Library Foundation has had another successful year raising money for the Wilsonville Library in 2016. We thank our donors for their generosity. Here are the highlights of what we funded: Science Adventure – Science focused Summer Reading Program * 500 science prizes for kids completing 10 science explorations * 300 kids taking summer science classes Annual cost: $6,700 Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL) – Early literacy program that provides books for preschoolers. * 710…

Library Foundation Annual Meeting

I invite you to attend the Wilsonville Public Library Foundation Annual Meeting on Tuesday January 10, 2017 6:30pm – 8:00pm at the Wilsonville Public Library, Rose Room This is a great opportunity to meet the Board of Directors, look  back on our accomplishments of 2016 and get a preview of the goals and activities for 2017. Happy Holidays and my best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous New Year! Hilly Alexander President Wilsonville Public Library Foundation


Does your preschooler get free books?

Jan Rippey is holding a birthday cake to celebrate the 4th Anniversary of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in Wilsonville. There are currently about 700 Wilsonville kids signed up to receive books once a month until they turn 5 years old. Over the last 4 years nearly 500 kids have graduated from the program. The program was brought to the City  by the Kiwanis Club of Wilsonville. It receives significant funding from Joe Restic of Wilsonville Orthodontics, the…

June Artist at the Library

Our June Artist of the Month is local photographer Michael Strubel. Michael’s work can be seen on the Art Wall next to the New Books shelves. Here he is in his own words: I began taking pictures in the 60’s in Vietnam. I was drawn to the people, how their faces reflected their hearts. Though it was too painful for me to keep those photos I did keep a fascination with seeing and saving the beauty of…

Five New Names

The Wilsonville Public Library Foundation is recognizing five donors who qualified to have their names added to the Donor Wall inside the the Library vestibule. These donors gave $1,000 or more in 2014. We are grateful for their very generous support. You can contribute to the Library Foundation by buying a brick in a loved one’s name for $100; donate $1,000 in one calendar year and you can be added to the Donor Wall Board. We gladly…